Tuesday 22 February 2011


From a young age I have always had a keen interest in all mediums of art, which led me to study for a National Diploma in Art and Design. It was during my second year that I discovered my real interest was in photography. My passion for photography influenced me to apply for this course.  I’m hoping that this course will allow me to further my knowledge and skills for a future career in photography.

This was my final outcome for a project about capturing motion. My response was to capture sport, as you can see the motion and energy put into every movement that is made. So I came up with the idea of photographing my brother whilst he was playing football.

Below are 4 pieces of my personal work. I found a pair of my old ballet shoes which gave me inspiration for a series of photographs. I love the drama that is captured in both of these images, having the ballet shoe in the center of the photograph creates a center piece which stands out from the surroundings.

This photo was taken on a family day out at the beach, I find this photograph captures emotion,  innocence and simplicity, which makes it stand out.

This photograph was taken on another beach trip last year whilst alone on the beach, I set my camera to self timer. The wind swept hair across the face and the straight forward pose, creates a strong high fashion perspective.

These photographs are from a holiday in Montenegro. Whilst I was there I became fascinated by the landscape and vistas. I began to look at natural objects and the surrounding environment, which led me to take several photographs. 

These images are a series from a project called Species of Spaces. I had several ideas but came up with a final idea that focused on literal space. I looked at my house as being the literal space, this led me to explore people’s personal space. I photographed my family in different areas around the house which were personal to them. The photos are black and white as i wanted to create a nostalgic and personal feel to them.